Malet Lambert has the responsibility to protect and safeguard the welfare of young people with whom it comes into contact. The need for guidelines and procedures is important to ensure that this is done with understanding and clarity.
Our policies, procedures and protocols reflect those contained within the most up to date ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ statutory guidance for schools and colleges.
“Processes and procedures are never ends in themselves, but should always be used as a means of bringing about better outcomes for children. No guidance can, or should, attempt to offer a detailed prescription for working with each child and family. Work with children and families where there are concerns about a child’s welfare are sensitive and difficult. Good practice calls for effective cooperation between different agencies and professionals: sensitive work with parents and carers in the best interests of the child; and the careful exercise of professional judgement and critical analysis of the available information” (Working Together to Safeguard Children – A Guide To Inter-Agency Working To Safeguard And Promote The Welfare Of Children – 2018).
The persons with lead responsibility for safeguarding within Malet Lambert are the Deputy Headteacher (Designated Safeguarding Lead), Assistant Headteacher (Deputy DSL) and the Child Protection, Safeguarding & Multi Agency Liaison Officer.
Our Child Protection Policy can be found on our policies page.