2022 Results
To view the DfE Official Performance Tables, please visit the DfE School Performance Data website: https://www.find-school-performance-data.service.gov.uk/school/142150/malet-lambert
Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.
Comparative and statutory figures are:
- The school’s Progress 8 score is -0.14
- The school’s Attainment 8 score is 48.3
- The percentage of pupils who achieved a pass (grade 4 or above) in English and maths at the end of KS4 is 67%
- The percentage of pupils who achieved a strong pass (grade 5 or above) in English and maths at the end of KS4 is 50%
- The percentage of pupils entered for the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) is 40%
- The percentage of pupils who achieved a strong pass (grade 5 and above) in the English Baccalaureate is 29% and 34% achieved a standard pass
- 2022 Year 11 (KS4) Pupil Destinations
- 275 pupils completed Year 11 in 2021/22
- 96% of pupils progressed onto sustained education, employment or training, with 84% going onto further education, 6% sustained employment and 6% sustained apprenticeship
- Of the 84% in education, 20% went onto further education, 5% school sixth form and 58% sixth form colleges