What is the Pupil Premium?
Pupil Premium is the name of the fund given directly to schools and academies to support pupils who receive free school meals, who are in public care or young people whose parents are in the armed forces. In 2024/25 all schools/academies received up to £1,050 for each pupil covered by the Pupil Premium. Every school is required to report on how it intends to spend the Pupil Premium grant for the current academic year and how it was spent in previous years. Each school has to report the impact of the spending. Please find below the pupil premium funding information required to be published.
The 2024/25 Pupil Premium grant allocation to Malet Lambert is £372,100.
Our Pupil Premium Policy can be found on our policies page.
How we will measure the impact of the Pupil Premium
Impact of the pupil premium is measured in a wide range of ways:
On a termly basis in line with progress data rounds and the planned end dates of specific projects.
Pupil premium case studies are regularly written and reviewed.
Teaching staff produce termly evaluation reports for any pupil premium funding allocated to them for specific and measurable projects. This includes but is not limited to the use of pupil and parent voice, progress data analysis and behaviour data tracking.
A full and detailed report including evaluations is produces by the assistant Headteacher lead for pupil premium, which accounts for the full pupil premium funding allocation. This is produced with collaboration and shared with the senior leadership team and the governors as a scheduled meeting.
Review of Malet Lambert's Pupil Premium strategy
Reviews of the impact of pupil premium occur at leas termly and a full review report is written after the summer term, following a full analysis of examination results.
COVID-19 Recovery Premium Funding
This information lays out how Malet Lambert uses and plans to use the allocated recovery premium grant funding to support pupils whose education has been impacted by the pandemic. This had a huge impact on disrupting young people’s learning across the country and in response, the Government has continued to fund pupils in helping them to catch up and reduce the impact that the pandemic had.
‘This is a time-limited grant providing over £300m of additional funding for state-funded schools in the 2021 to 2022 academic year and £1bn across the 2022 to 2023 and 2023 to 2024 academic years. It is focused on pupil premium eligible pupils and pupils in specialist settings such as special schools, special units and pupil referral units (PRUs). This is because of the additional impact of the pandemic on these students.
Please see the link to the www.gov.uk/government/publications/recovery-premium-funding/recovery-premium-funding
School funding allocations were calculated on a pupil by pupil basis, providing Malet Lambert with a total of £47,560 for last academic year (2021-22), which worked out at £145 for each eligible pupil.
Schools are able to use the funding in ways that best suits their pupils and as a result, we have used the funding for the following:
Teaching and whole school strategies:
- A primary trained Teacher of Literacy
- An additional attendance officer
- Additional curriculum design training to ensure effectively sequenced curriculums are in place across all subjects
- Summer schools in 2021 and 2022
- Breakfast club
- When needed, we delivered a range of CPD offers for delivering ‘Live’ and ‘On demand’ online lessons through Google Classroom
- Quality work provided for pupils who needed to isolate
- Extended 100 minute periods with 3 running per day
- School Led tutoring in Maths, English, Science and Humanities in small groups of 6 over a 15 week period
- Eligible pupils invited to attend the Natioanl Tutoring Programme
- Additional revision hours for Year 11s
- Additional chrome books were purchased and lent out to pupils in order to allow them to access all work