All information correct at time of publication. Malet Lambert regularly reviews and may make changes to policies and procedures. 

Please visit the Hull City Council Secondary admissions website, if you would like information on how to apply for a place at Malet Lambert 

Yes. This is maintained by Hull City Council and they can provide you with details. Please contact (01482) 300 300 to discuss the catchment area with the Hull City Council admissions team.

Malet Lambert is fully inclusive and strives to ensure that each individual pupil achieves their full potential during their time at the school.

There is a wide range of support for pupils with special educational needs & disabilities (SEND). Each pupil’s needs are assessed and used to create a Pupil Profile which details the support arrangements being made for that child. This profile is reviewed regularly and will always strive to encourage each pupil to be as independent in their learning as possible – in preparation for adult life.

The support offered by the SEND Department includes the following:

  • In-class support from teaching assistants (TAs)
  • Withdrawal for Literacy support
  • Units of Sound (supports dyslexic pupils)
  • Guided reading programme
  • Social Skills
  • Physiotherapy

The school works collaboratively with a number of external support agencies:

  • IPaSS (Integrated Physical & Sensory Support)
  • Northcott Outreach Service
  • Educational Psychology
  • NHS Services
  • The school is fully accessible for wheelchair users.

If you need to talk to someone about our special educational needs provision, please contact Stacey Lalic, our SEND Coordinator, via our main telephone line 01482 374211 or by

It is your responsibility as a parent/carer to get your child to and from school, so please think carefully about the distance from home to school and what travel options are available. The school works with a local transport provider to support the travel from the Victoria Dock area of the city. If you’d like further information about the Victoria Dock transport service please contact our admin team at 

We offer prospective pupils and their parents the opportunity to visit Malet Lambert if they are considering applying for a place with us, through our dedicated Y6 Open Evening. 

We have high standards at Malet Lambert and we have a uniform policy.

We pride ourselves on pupils looking smart and regular uniform checks are made to maintain our high standards. Pupils who refuse to work in collaboration with us or who persistently choose to break uniform rules, are sanctioned.

All pupils will be set and are expected to complete homework. This will aid and supplement their learning in school and improve their progress. Each subject has a homework policy and homework is set regularly for each subject.

Yes. pupils may lock their bikes up in one of our bike racks using a traditional bike lock. Pupils may not cycle on the school premises and should observe safe cycling rules on the roads as they approach and leave school. 

The move from primary to secondary school can be a daunting time for both children and their parents. It is important to remember it is also an exciting time and one that should not be a worry. A great  way to prepare your child for the  transition is to develop their independence skills. Try encouraging them to pack their own bag and equipment each day, manage their  time and money, look after their belongings and also  develop  strategies to use if something goes wrong. Malet Lambert works with primary schools to  provide transition tasks which make the move between primary and secondary school a smoother process.

The school will write to you in the summer term. This letter will tell you your form tutor name, and your house. You’ll then know which school tie to buy!

There are 6 houses: Bluejay, Chevron, Crown, Eagle, Lion and Rose.The house system is in place so that we can have competitions and also friendly rivalries within school, including Sports Day. It is also in place so that staff and pupils can identify which form and house they are in. This is done through the colour of your tie. You will have regular House assemblies led by your Head of House.

There is a Year 7 football team; for both boys and girls. You will train each week on the 3G and games will be arranged regularly. If you are interested in the team, make sure you go to training each week. There are also many other sports teams that you can become a part of and Malet Lambert is very proud of it’s sporting achievements.

We no longer group on friendships for tutor groups as the structure of the school day has changed and pupils are spending short periods of time within these groups per day. Your child will spend their day in multiple different groupings for each subject and also tutor time. This gives Year 7 pupils a greater opportunity to mix with other children and form new friendships. We review our processes and system regularly and this system of grouping has been in place since 2018. We have had no issues or negative feedback from Year 7 pupils that have been grouped in this way. We do try to work with families if they feel there is a specific reason for their child to be ‘kept away’ from another pupil where possible, for example, due to negative experiences at primary school.

Please email and we will direct your query to our SEND team.

Pupils are allocated either French or Spanish when they start depending on the population they are allocated to. If you would like to discuss this in more detail contact the Head of MFL via

We encourage Year 6 pupils and parents to look at the following resources on the BBC Bitesize website, with lots of advice, information and videos about getting ready for starting secondary school: