Purchasing Uniforms
Our main suppliers are Steady Schoolwear. To order items from Steady Schoolwear:
- Visit www.steadyschoolwear.co.uk
- You will need to create an account
Further Information
More details about our uniform can be found in our uniform policy.
We promote, but are entirely independent of, a project called ‘RE: Uniform’, which is all about recycling school uniforms to provide it to families in Hull for free. The project leader can be contacted using the contact information below.
Email: trinitymethodisthull@gmail.com
Telephone: 01482 445203
Uniform Loans
Please complete this form if you would like to request a loan of uniform items. We will endeavour to meet your requests. All loans will be on an initial short-term loan.
All requests should be made prior to 8am on the day they are required. Any request after this time is unlikely to be actioned until the following school day.