Pupils in Year 10 have the opportunity to take part in work experience. We feel that work experience is a very important aspect of any child’s learning, however, we must stress that taking part is not compulsory.

There is a lot of work that goes into each placement and we need 100% commitment from each pupil taking part, so with this in mind, we will only accept self-canvassed placements. This means that if any pupil wishes to take part, they must find their own placement. The only exception to this is Council/NHS placements who share their availability with us and we share these details with pupils which are then offered on a first come, first served basis.

Work Experience usually takes place in April/May, emails are sent to all year 10 pupils, parents and carers around September/October with a self-canvass form, which give pupils approximately 7/8 months to find a placement. The self-canvass form needs to be completed by their chosen employer which confirms that the employer is in agreement to the placement and also signed by the parent/carer. We then send this to Education to Work (E2W) who will contact the employer to do a risk assessment. Please note that we will not allow any pupil to go on work experience without E2W approval.

As soon as the placement is agreed by all parties each pupil will receive a work experience pack which includes, but is not limited to, a job description and a journal.

If you have any questions at any time regarding Work Experience, please contact the Admin Office.